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Work Boxers

August 20th, 2007

There Is Hope!

But you’ll have to work for what you want! Listen to this from the Foreword of “The Master Key System”;

“When the creative power of thought is fully understood, its effect will be seen to be marvelous.”

No, there is no Billy Crystal joke there…

“The student who learns that power comes from within, that he is weak only because he has depended on help from outside, and who unhesitatingly throws himself on his own thought, instantly rights himself, stands erect, assumes a dominant attitude, and works miracles.”

To which I think - “deep down in every man, woman, and child, is the fundamental idea of God. It may be obscured by calamity, by pomp, by worship of other things, but in some form or other it is there.”

I needed to do that for me! For today, this truly validates me…

Now for a small, possibly “political” thought?

“This method is scientific, and it is the only method by which we shall be permitted to retain that degree of liberty and freedom which we have been accustomed to look upon as an inalienable right, because a people [are] safe at home and in the world only if national preparedness mean such things as growing surplus of health, accumulated efficiency in public and private business of whatever sort, continuous advance in the science and art of acting together, and the increasingly dominant endeavor to make all of these and all other aspects of national development center and revolve about ascending life, single and collective, for which science, art and ethics furnish guidance and controlling motives.”

From those words I see an immense failing right here at home. You see, the Foreword also mentioned;

“Of course, mind creates negative conditions just as readily as favorable conditions, and when we consciously or unconsciously visualize every kind of lack, limitation and discord, we create these conditions; this is what many are unconsciously doing all the time.”

Reminds me of a President I know…

Tags:dominant attitude inalienable right liberty and freedom national development national preparedness political thought

By mark -- 0 comments

August 16th, 2007

A Study Of The Creative Processes Of Thought

F.H. Burgess introduces us to the book “The Master Key System” by Charles F. Haanel by saying;

“Every right-thinking person wants not merely to move through life like a sound-producing, perambulating plant, but to develop - to improve - and to continue the development mentally to the close of physical life.

This development can occur only through the improvement of the quality of individual thought and the ideals, actions and conditions that arise as a consequence. Hence a study of the creative processes of thought and how to apply them is of supreme importance to each one of us. This knowledge is the means whereby the evolution of human life on earth may be hastened and uplifted in the process.”

I hope you don’t mind if I laugh to myself because now that my copy of “The Master Key System” has arrived I’ve just discovered where you can download a copy for free!

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By mark -- 0 comments