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Work Boxers

Archive for March 2005

March 31st, 2005

Redesign Time

Now that I have finished some client work for Business Logs I am afforded some time to work on the designs of my current sites along with launch some new ones. This site is in need of some redesign love so if you witness anything weird happening it’s probably just me doing a live redesign.
I […]

By Paul -- 12 comments

March 29th, 2005

Network Join: Round 1

Okay, checkout this entry over at Whitespace which contains some different info about the 9rules nNetwork signup.
Oh and if you have never been to Whitespace, that is not the design. Had a server crash a month ago and haven’t gotten around to implementing all the old stuff yet.

By Paul -- 0 comments

March 28th, 2005

Join the 9rules Network

Since this is still a low key blog in comparison to my other sites I thought I would get this out of the way tonight, before I do some announcing tomorrow (assuming I get this client work done). The 9rules Network is opening up a bit and when I say ‘bit’ I mean a ton.
I […]

By Paul -- 15 comments

March 22nd, 2005

ProBlogger Interview

If you ever wanted to know just a little bit more about the way my mind works then head on over to ProBlogger and scope the interview I did for Darren.

By Paul -- 0 comments

March 3rd, 2005

Google’s Sense of Humor

So I bought Work Boxers because Google wasn’t even touching the old site and immediately I started to see results. Well no less than 2 weeks later it seems that Google has released Big Money Tips from its shackles and has begun to index the content pages for the site.
Amusing no?
So now I have two […]

By Paul -- 13 comments

March 1st, 2005

Why Compete With Gawker and Weblogs, Inc.

Eoghann asks a great question in reference to my post yesterday asking whether or not anyone could compete with the two powerhouses. He says:

Both of those organizations have developed a system which works extremely well for them. Trying to compete directly would be like taking on Sony in the game console arena. And you’ll notice […]

By Paul -- 4 comments