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Work Boxers

August 7th, 2007

A Simple Definition

Briefly, because I want to - I’ve begun. Thanks to a couple of good folks who’ve commented and motivated my thinking and actions.

A simple definition: “The Law of Attraction which, simply put, means whatever you focus on you draw to you.”

Jeannette mentioned “deliberate creation.”

Tips on How to Be a Deliberate Creator from Lori Hamann

1. Acknowledge that you are a powerful creator and you create with your every thought.

2. Know that anything that you want is yours to be, or do, or have.

3. Always ask - How do I want to feel? What am I wanting? Why do I want it?

4. Appreciate, appreciate. We attract what we appreciate, and repel what we depreciate.

5. Be in the practice of softening your “resistance” and negativity.

6. Take 100% responsibility for what your life looks like, the good and the not so good.

7. Understand that you may from this point choose to create it anyway you want.

8. Be conscious. Ask, where is my attention focused? What’s my point of attraction?

9. Always pay attention to how you are feeling. Feeling bad, you are not in the space to create what you want. Feeling good? You are in alignment with prosperity.

10. Consciously choose thoughts that make you feel good and then take inspired action from that feel good place.

11. Abraham-Hicks says - “Nothing is more important than that you feel good!” Come from this place always.

Knowing this, what thoughts and feelings would you consciously and deliberately choose today? Are you going to settle for creating by default…or are you going to acknowledge your own power and create on purpose!? It is time to deliberately line up what you want with how you are feeling and what you are vibrating.

The Law of Deliberate Creation is ALL about choice. It’s about trusting in your own power as the creator of your life and then doing it!

Thanks folks!


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