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Net Neutrality Links 12-01-2007

by Mark on December 1st, 2007

I am a proponent of Net Neutrality. Scott Cleland has an obvious, mentally debilitating obsession and should be ignored… (Just one man’s opinion)

UPDATED: Internet Overload by 2010: Who’s Behind The Boogie Man?
By dweb8231
Below the fold, some very interesting details on who is behind this boondoggle, why it is a fraud,and why it could become a major weapon in the ongoing battle to eliminate net neutrality.

Net Neutrality, Good for Innovation?
By just an OldGuy (just an OldGuy)
Kahn rejected the term “Net Neutrality”, calling it “a slogan”. He cautioned against dogmatic views of network architecture, saying the need for experimentation at the edges shouldn’t come at the expense of improvements elsewhere in the

Net Neutrality Squad
Linux Journal - USA
The Network Neutrality Squad (nnsquad) is an open-membership, open-source effort, enlisting the Internet’s users to help keep the Internet’s operations fair

Maybe We Need Something Besides the Internet
Wall Street Journal - USA
21) reference to “the open access and Net neutrality canards.” Maybe plans to make the pipes “smart” will improve networked data services for consumers,

ARCEP’s views on Net Neutrality
By Benoît FELTEN
Mme Gauthey mentions Net Neutrality as a potential issue in France despite it being viewed as a US-centric issue so far. It’s actually becoming an issue here for two reasons: probable limitations and/or lack of facilities based

Plusnet: We traffic shape and are proud of it
Telco 2.0
“Net Neutrality is an issue no ISP can escape. We’re convinced that demand for bandwidth driven by innovative applications will always outstrip the physical and economic supply of network. For that reason Net Neutrality is a pipe-dream

Edwards, Obama harness power of Internet
Politico - Washington,DC,USA
He’s a vocal supporter of Net neutrality, to make sure Internet service providers can’t choke the vibrancy of innovation and collaboration the Net makes

Mark Cuban: Blocking and Discrimination OK, but not for HDNet
By Gigi Sohn Public Knowledge
So I have been somewhat amused to see the reaction of Mark’s company, HDNet, after DIRECTV bumped his network from its cheaper tier of HDTV offerings to a more obscure and more expensive programming tier.

By Anne Broache
Just in time for presidential primary season, a key Democrat who championed Net neutrality laws during the last Congress is finally planning to try again. Rep. Edward Markey. (Credit: US House of Representatives)

Comcast Continues to Block and Dodge
By tkarr
EFF’s second report — released on Wednesday — confirms that the company is indeed meddling with our ability to connect and share information with one another — a gross violation of both the letter and spirit of Net Neutrality.

Tags: broadband-competition, censored, , ,

POSTED IN: Web Happenings

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