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Tweak Adsense & pay for living expenses!

by admin on July 14th, 2006

Alborz has informed me that his newly tweaked Adsense adverts are now paying for a good chuck of his living expenses.

Imagine having Adsense paying for your phone and electricity bill. What about your weekly rent, all that worry and responsibility simply lifted off your shoulder?

Even if you only earn a small amount from Adsense, set yourself a goal. Your first goal could be what mine once was, paying for lunch every day. A standard chinese lunch pack costs AU$6 here and Adsense pays for it every time. (Though I don’t eat chinese everyday ..)

Goals help motivation and guide you to achieving something worth achieving. Internet marketing is a fun and exciting game and reaching goals is what makes you successful.

Have you set an Adsense goal?

POSTED IN: Google Adsense, Online Money

5 opinions for Tweak Adsense & pay for living expenses!

  • David
    Jul 14, 2006 at 4:48 pm

    My adsense goal, or just ad related income goal really, is $30 a day, or $900 a month. Currently I am sitting at $1 a day, or $30 a month. I still have a long way to go.

  • Chris McLeod
    Jul 14, 2006 at 10:59 pm

    My overall goal for the next 12 months - from adsense or anything - is about $1000 per month. Short-term (next month or so), I’d like to get to a steady $3 a day. At the moment it’s swinging between $0.50 and $1.

  • Jeff Purcell
    Jul 15, 2006 at 2:54 am

    I’m sitting right where McLeod is. I’ve decided to use Adsense exclusively for my text-based ads as it speeds up check delivery time! :)

  • Jamsi
    Jul 15, 2006 at 3:02 am

    $1000 per month is a huge target hehe.

    $3 a day sounds like a more reasonable target. It’s almost $100 a month, which could pay for .. your rent, if you share an apartment with someone :)

  • Alborz
    Jul 15, 2006 at 4:51 am

    Mine is currently around $15/day
    originally I had hoped for $5 a day by the years end, but hey, I cant complain, I am not really aiming for anything, 15 a day is really good for me, i still cant believe it everyday when i check it, i keep thinking i am on some lucky streak and its going to all end, but everyday it keeps gettingback up there.

    To all of you who aim to get your adsense up there, remember, the keywords are really important, 90% of my money comes from my Car Blog and it has a eCPM of around $19! while my other sites are around $1

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