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September Earnings Report

by Paul on October 5th, 2004

September was my highest earnings month ever thanks to reaching the highest levels for Amazon’s Bonus Growth Tiers. Now that the quarter is over and the stats are reset I am looking for a siginificant drop in Amazon revenue, but with a new commission structure implemented only time will tell.

I also implemented text ads to some of the larger sites on the network so we will have to see how that pans out. Instead of sitting back and waiting to see if people will contact me to buy and ad there are some companies I am going to approach and speak with them. How to approach them is another concern I have though since I have never done such a thing. I will keep you updated on the results.

As for the September Bet, nobody won. I won’t tell you how much I earned since I keep those numbers to myself, but the highest guess was $5,500 and I beat that.

Hopefully with the holiday season and a new philosophy I have in regards to content things will continue to shine brightly on the 9rules Network.

POSTED IN: Personal Thoughts

11 opinions for September Earnings Report

  • Richard MacManus
    Oct 5, 2004 at 3:42 pm

    What!!? You earned over $5,500 in a single month! That is bloody amazing. Say it was $6000, then over a 12-mth period it’d be $72k earnings. That’s ‘give up the day job’ levels.

    You have to tell us more… :-)

  • Scrivs
    Oct 5, 2004 at 3:53 pm

    Well as I mentioned it was a bit lucky with the way Amazon bonuses kicked in at the end of the quarter. But Adsense also did fairly well and the Vault ads remained constant.

    I need to do a better job of diversifying my streams of income to become less reliant on Adsense and Amazon and part of that involves the textads on the major sites. Another part will involve my new venture launching in 2005.

    Business Logs has also helped to keep me afloat until I got this whole network thing running the way I wanted to. It definitely wasn’t easy to get started, but I had the motivation to do so and at the moment things seem to be working out okay.

    Oh and are you saying you will only listen to me now after I told you how much I made in one month? Geez, I see where I stand on the totem poll…;-)

    I hate to even use numbers because I know so many people get transfixed and think that they can just dive in and do it. That’s definitely not the case.

  • JC
    Oct 5, 2004 at 3:53 pm

    Gotta remember, Richard… Scrivs doesn’t have a day job to give up. This is what he does.
    Either way, it’s pretty bloody impressive. Go Paul!

  • Scrivs
    Oct 5, 2004 at 3:56 pm

    Heh, more like the day job gave up on me a long time ago…:-)

  • Scrivs
    Oct 5, 2004 at 3:59 pm

    Oh and it would be more if JC didn’t decide to participate in the Distributed Revenue Scheme on Forever Geek :-P

  • Richard MacManus
    Oct 5, 2004 at 4:11 pm

    Oh I agree, it’s very impressive! You’ve obviously put in a heap of work on your network, but it’s probably only when you feed us some actual figures that we get a sense of the *real results* you’re getting from the ‘network’ approach. So that’s why I leaped in with a slack-jawed comment here :-)

    I understand it’s not Easy Money Tips you’re running here ;-) and it takes great content etc, but still it’s good motivation for those of us wanting to get into business for ourselves.

  • Scrivs
    Oct 5, 2004 at 4:20 pm

    Ah yes, of course actual numbers do a lot to motivate people. I know after reading some numbers from some people it motivated me to continue on. It’s not easy to try a new adventure without previous knowledge of someone else succeeding.

    Although I probably won’t hit last month’s number again for another 10 years…

  • Kyle
    Oct 6, 2004 at 1:27 am

    Congrats on the accomplishment - if only I was able to have enough time to develop the plans I’ve always had for websites, I might be pulling in as much as you are now. I just wish I had known that there was real money in the web 6 years ago when I abandoned a project that would surely be paying the bills by now.

    You’re right about the real numbers thing, Until a few months ago I thought only the truely successful people were making 4 figures a month. I was wrong.

    I wish you the best of success while it lasts, because that’s why I haven’t chosen this line of work for good… People have to remember the web is in reality only a little older than a decade (popularity wise) and it’s getting filled with junk at an exponential rate. You have to wonder where it’s headed.

    P.S. Thank you for changing the design. It’s been buggin’ me for a while.

  • Mike P.
    Oct 6, 2004 at 3:04 am

    Nice work Scrivs, kinda offsets other failures, no? (*ahem* Game Over *ahem*)

  • Scrivs
    Oct 6, 2004 at 3:56 am

    Haha, f*cker. Good thing Griffin showed up for you that first week…

  • James
    Oct 10, 2004 at 4:38 am



    ;) all well. I probably wouldn’t have made a Paypal account even if I had have won, then you’d either keep it or give it to the runner up anyways.

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